Frank Wells

Revolutionizing Healthcare: The Unstoppable Impact of Frank Wells and Holy City Med’s Same-Day Care Model

I've had the privilege of knowing Frank Wells for some time, and I can confidently say he's a transformative force in the Lowcountry.

The American healthcare system is fraught with challenges: limited access, prohibitive costs, and bureaucratic red tape, to name just a few. Even my brother-in-law, a skilled surgeon, frequently laments the obstacles that impede medical professionals from providing optimal care.

That's where Frank steps in. A few years ago, he took the stage at 1 Million Cups to share a groundbreaking idea. Soon after, Holy City Med was born. Frank's innovation? To democratize healthcare access through a subscription model, enabling small businesses to provide healthcare benefits they couldn't afford previously.

This has become a massive shift in our community.

With two locations already up and running, and more on the way, Holy City Med is poised to revolutionize healthcare not just in our community, but potentially nationwide.

Yet, that's merely one facet of Frank's impact. You'll find him at nearly every significant business gathering in the area—his signature purple car parked outside events like First Friday, Charleston Leaders, and Lowcountry Local First. 

Whether it's through his active involvement with the Rotary Club or his readiness to offer insightful feedback and ideas, Frank's influence is felt at multiple strata of community life.

I'm deeply honored to feature such a changemaker in this edition of Lowcountry Influentials and to call Frank a friend.

To connect with Frank, you can reach him at

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Barry Waldman


Erin Kienzle