What a professional headshot should look like

Your Headshot Doesn't Suck, You're Just Doing It Wrong: A No-BS Guide to Nailing that Killer Professional Look

Alright, listen up! Your professional headshot is more than just a pretty picture for your LinkedIn profile or your "About Me" page. It’s your secret weapon to make the world stop and take notice. So let’s ditch the mediocrity, and get into how you can turn that headshot of yours from 'meh' to 'whoa' with some kickass tips. And no, you don’t need to morph into a supermodel overnight. You just need to get these basics right.

Professional Headshot, Female professional headshot, Professional Headshot Charleston SC
  1. Clarity and Quality: Newsflash: That blurry selfie isn’t cutting it. We're talking crystal-clear, high-res images that say, “I’m a pro.” This isn’t about having the fanciest camera but knowing how to use what you’ve got to capture the real, awesome you. And if you can’t, for heaven’s sake, hire someone who does. Today or tomorrow, you might decide to print marketing material and having high-resolution images is paramount. The rerquirement of printing are very different from online technologies. We provide you always with web-ready and print-ready images.
  2. Appropriate Lighting: Ever seen those horror movies with terrible lighting that make everyone look like they've just seen a ghost? Yeah, don't do that. Great lighting can literally be the difference between looking like a runway model or a creature from the lagoon. Get it right, and half your work is done. Lighting should be effective and flattering. Studio lighting is the best as it can be precisely tailored to each individual's face and body, taking into account their unique characteristics. Thaty's why you hire a photographer. That person has literally spent ungodly amount of time and money to get it right.
  3. Focus on the Face: Your face is the star of the show. This ain't a fashion shoot; it’s your professional beacon. Frame it right. Ditch the distracting backgrounds. Let’s keep the viewer's eyes where they should be - on your fabulous face. This is done by framing the shot correctly and often utilizing techniques to call the attention of the viewer on "the windows to the soul." This doesn't happen by accident and it requires time. I guide all my clients to the exact mindset to get there.
  4. Professional Attire: Dress for the job you want, not the job you have – or the job you’re too scared to go after. Your attire speaks volumes before you even open your mouth. So, dress like you mean business. With years of practice and thousands of portraits made, I will guide you in the selection of the perfect attire. Plus, I will give you multiple looks to choose from so that you can see exactly which attire lookls the best.
  5. Neutral Background: Unless you’re a circus performer or a jungle explorer, keep the background simple. You want people to focus on you, not the wild jungle in the background. Neutral doesn’t mean boring; it means not letting anything steal your thunder. A professional photographer can select a background that enhances the overall composition of the headshot.
  6. Natural Pose and Expression: Drop that deer-in-headlights look. Be you. Be the relaxed, confident you. If you’re faking a smile, we can tell. And it’s creepy. Don’t be creepy. Be authentically you.
  7. Current and Accurate Representation: If your headshot is from a decade ago, guess what? You’re not fooling anyone. Update it. Show the world who you are right now, in all your glory. Photographers often advise on aspects like hairstyle and makeup to ensure the headshot is a true reflection of your present appearance.
  8. Good Composition: This isn’t just about standing in front of a camera and hoping for the best. Composition is key. Don't know what I'm talking about? Good! That's my job, not yours 😀. This involves applying principles like frame balance, light balance, appropriate contrast and so on. A professional photographer's eye for composition is vital in achieving this balance.
  9. Consistency for Brand or Team: If you’re part of a team, coordinate. You don’t want to look like the odd one out who didn’t get the memo. Uniformity shows professionalism and attention to detail. This involves using similar lighting, backgrounds, and posing guidelines, an area where a photographer's expertise is invaluable.
  10. Post-Production Editing: A little touch-up is fine. Turning yourself into an airbrushed alien is not. Keep it real. Keep it you. Just the better-lit, well-composed you. This requires a skilled hand, balancing color, adjusting exposure, and retouching where necessary to present the subject in the best possible light. Our magazine-level retouching has been featured on the pages of fashion magazines and will ensure that you look absolutely professional while being subtle and non-obvious.

So there you have it – no more excuses for a crappy headshot. It’s time to step up and show the world the badass professional you are. Remember, a killer headshot isn’t just about looking good; it’s about feeling good and owning your space in the professional world.

Im here to make that headshot as awesome as you are. Call me at (843) 701-1138 today and let's make it happen!


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